1: Introduction To Python• Installation and Working with Python
• Understanding Python variables
• Python basic Operators
• Understanding python blocks
2: Python Data Types• Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float, complex
• Using string data type and string operations
• Defining list and list slicing
• Use of Tuple, Set, Dictionary data type
3: Python Program Flow Control• Conditional blocks using if, else and elif
• Simple for loops in python
• For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries
• Use of while loops in python
• Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else
• Programming using Python conditional and loops block
4: Python Functions, Modules and Packages• Organizing python codes using functions
• Organizing python projects into modules
• Importing own module as well as external modules
• Understanding Packages
• Powerful Lamda function in python
• Programming using functions, modules and external packages
5: Python String, List and Dictionary Manipulations• Building blocks of python programs
• Understanding string in build methods
• List manipulation using in build methods
• Dictionary manipulation
• Programming using string, list and dictionary in build function
6: Python File Operation• Reading config files in python
• Writing log files in python
• Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines()
• Understanding write functions, write() and writelines()
• Manipulating file pointer using seek
• Programming using file operations
7: Python Object Oriented Programming – Oops• Concept of class, object and instances
• Constructor, class attributes and destructors
• Real time use of class in live projects
• Inheritance, overlapping and overloading operators
• Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes
• Programming using Oops support
8: Python Exception Handling• try…. except…else
• try-finally clause
• Avoiding code break using exception handling
• Safeguarding file operation using exception handling
• Handling and helping developer with error code
• Programming using Exception handling
9: Graphical User Interface • GUI in python Tkinter widgets
• Programming using Tkinter
Flask or Django framework Structured Query LanguageSQL is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system, or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system.
01 - Database Basics and Structured Query Language
Introduction to SQL and StatementsIn our first, we'll explore the basic structure and history of relational databases. You'll learn the history of SQL, then we'll review some key terms. Then, you'll discover what SQL is and how it's used with a relational database.
o SQL Intro
o SQL Installation
o SQL Queries
02 - Filtering and Retrieving Data• Retrieving Data, Updating Data, Inserting Data, Deleting Data
In this, you'll learn how to use SQL to filter and retrieve data from tables. We'll talk about important query terms that allow you to communicate with your database, as well as syntax rules that will help you to create clear and understandable queries while avoiding system generated errors.
03-Sorting and Filtering Data• Sorting and Filtering Data, Advanced Filtering,
In this , you'll learn how to use SQL to filter retrieved data. You'll practice sorting retrieved data using the ORDER BY clause. You'll be able to sort single and multiple columns, and you'll know how to specify sort directions such as ascending and descending order. You'll also learn additional query terms that will help you customize your SQL queries.
04 - Calculated Fields and FunctionsIn this, you'll learn how to reformat retrieved data with calculated fields and functions. You'll also learn how to create alternate names for columns, and you'll discover the secret behind merging columns with the concatenation symbol.
05 - Summarizing and Grouping Data• Summarizing Data, Grouping Data
In this , we'll discuss gathering significant statistics from data using aggregate functions. You'll also learn how to use the GROUP BY clause in conjunction with an aggregate function to gather important statistics from a table. Then you'll find out how to use the HAVING clause in conjunction with an aggregate function to filter groups of data from a table.
06 - Working with Sub queries• Using Subqueries
It's all about subqueries. You'll learn how to extract data from multiple tables simultaneously, how to use calculated fields in sub queries, how to use the DATEPART () function in subqueries, and how to use aggregate functions in subqueries. Then we'll talk about qualification—a technique used to combine a table name with a column name so there's no question about which table the column name refers to.
07 - Creating and Using Table Joins • Joining Tables, Managing Tables, Using Views
In this, you'll learn how to use joins to gather information from two or more tables simultaneously. You'll learn how to use the inner join, self-join, natural join, and the outer join. Then you'll become familiar with the term Cartesian product.
08 - Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data • Stored Procedures, Using Cursors
In today’s, you'll discover how to manipulate data using the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. You'll learn how to insert partial and complete rows into a table, and how to update information already stored in a table. You find out how to transfer data to a new table, how to transfer data to an existing table, and how to delete rows from a table.
09 - Table Creation and Maintenance • Using Cursors, Using Transactions
Today you'll find out how you can use SQL to create and maintain tables. You'll learn how to use the CREATE TABLE keywords to create a table, then we'll discuss how to use the ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE, ADD COLUMN, and DROP COLUMN keywords to manipulate the tables themselves. You'll also find out how to define a primary key, data type, and field size.
10 - Creating and Understanding ViewsIn this, you'll learn how and why views are used in SQL. You'll learn how to create and use views to simplify complex queries, summarize data, and manipulate data stored in tables. I'll also teach you how to update and delete a view.
11 - Understanding Transaction Processing, Constraints, and IndexesToday, you'll learn how transaction processing, constraints, and indexes are implemented in SQL. You'll work through an example that demonstrates how a transaction is created, how constraints are used in the creation of a table, and how indexes are used to improve the performance of a database by optimizing the speed at which queries are processed.
12 - Understanding Stored Procedures, Triggers, and CursorsIn our final, you'll find out how stored procedures, triggers, and cursors are implemented in SQL. You'll see how stored procedures are created and executed, as well as how triggers work. You'll also see how cursors are declared in SQL
Introduction to Django Introduction to Back-End Web Development using Django • HTTP protocol MVC model
• Virtual environment Django structure Generic Views HTML templates URL dispatcher
Advanced Django for Web and Automation • Custom Views
• GET and POST methods URL shortener
• User model
• Logic in templates
Querying modelsServing Static files Deployment of Django Automating tasks with Django